
zakka memo book cover tutorial

Zakka Memo Book Cover Tutorial by CancunCOOKIES

Hello friends! Today I am going to share a Zakka Memo Book Cover Tutorial I've been working on. Hope you all enjoy!

1 rectangle 11 1/2" x 3 3/4", for the cover 
2 rectangles 4 1/2" x 3 3/4", for pockets

Print Fabric:
1 rectangle 11 1/2" x 3 3/4", for lining
2 rectangles 3 3/4" x 1", for pocket binding
2 squares 2" x 2", for pen holder

Lightweight fusible interfacing:
1 rectangle 11 1/2" x 3 3/4

1 3" x 5" pocket memo book
1 pen, marker or pencil (I used a mini gel pen)

Consider 1/4" seam allowances, unless otherwise specified
For design and embelishment purposes, the right side of the project will be the back

  •  Fuse fusible interfacing onto the wrong side of the lining fabric

  • Fold the pen holder squares in half, wrong sides together, press. Bring both edges to the center, fold and press. Topstitch 1/8" from edge. Set aside

  • Fold the pocket binding in half, wrong sides together, press. Align to the back of the pocket, pin and sew using a 1/8¨seam allowance . 

  • Bring to the front, press and hand stitch or topstitch to the back. See the little linen border on top of the binding? Love it!

  • Lay pockets onto either side of the lining, right sides up. Pin

  • Using a chalk marker or fabric pen, make two marks, left to right, at 2 3/4" and 7 3/4". Fold the pen holders in half and pin position to the right of the marks.

  • Machine baste 1/8" from the edge

  • Lay cover on top, right sides together. Remember that the back of the project to the right, pin. Using a chalk marker or fabric pen, mark a 2 or 2 1/2" space on the right side (back of the cover). This will be the gap for turning the cover

  • Machine stitch all layers together, starting at one of the marks and ending on the other

  • Clip corners and turn right side out. Gently poke corners. Finger press the opening and edge stitch to close

  • Embelish the cover (optional). You can also embelish prior to sewing it all together.
  • Press

  • Insert memo book and pen... ta da!

I made a few more just for fun!

Zakka Memo Book Cover Tutorial by CancunCOOKIES

I'd love to see your creations at the Show me your COOKIE! Flickr group...

Zakka Memo Book Cover Tutorial by CancunCOOKIES

This tuto is for personal use only. If you'd like to sell items made from it, please contact me. Have fun!

Zakka Memo Book Cover Tutorial by CancunCOOKIES

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fabulous five friday!

Today I want to share five fabulous things going on this week:

My friend Sugarbelle has a post with everything you need to know about Pricing Cookies... this is important info she is sharing!!! Don't sell yourselves short!

Speaking of Cookies... last week EVERYONE (but yours truly) that loves COOKIES was at Salt Lake City, Utah. The reason? CookieCon the first ever Cookie Convention! From what I've heard, Karen and Mike, the sweet hosts from Karen's Cookies did great and are already planning round 2. My dear CookieCrazie has a round up on the event...

I forgot to mention that I won a GiveAway! Bravo!!! I got a pattern for Pitcher #3 by AnneMarie of Gen X Quilters! I am going to make it this weekend and share with you...

There's a wrap along on Sukie's blog going on... There's a flickr group with some fabulous pics of what everyone is making and great sponsors are giving away prizes.  I haven't been able to hop in because my Ruby Star book is somewhere between Amazon and Cancun! Hey, Mr. Postman!!!!

Last but not least... this is great news I was saving for the end of this post: My super talented friend Tracy just got a FB page and a name for it, Whisked Away Cookies!! Her COOKIES are works of art!! Go take a look and like her, please!

See you!


Hoy quiero compartir cinco cosas fabulosas que están sucediendo esta semana:

Mi amiga Sugarbelle tiene un post en el que habla de   Precios de Galletas... chicas, esta información es importantisima!!! No regalen su trabajo!

Hablando acerca de Galletas... la semana pasada TODO MUNDO (excepto su servidora) que ama las GALLETAS estuvo en Salt Lake City, Utah. El motivo? CookieCon la primera Convención de Galletas del mundomundial! Por lo que he escuchado, Karen y Mike, los anfitriones de Karen's Cookies hicieron un trabajo maravilloso y ya planean la segunda vuelta. Mi querida CookieCrazie tiene un resumen del evento...

Se me olvidó mencionarles que gané un GiveAway! Bravo!!! Gané un patrón para la Jarra Pitcher #3 de AnneMarie de Gen X Quilters! Voy a hacerlo esta semana y compartirlo con ustedes...

Se está llevando un wrap along en el blog de Sukie... Hay un grupo de flickr con fotos de las maravillas que todo mundo está haciendo y algunos patrocinadores están regalando premios. No he podido empezar porque mi libro Ruby Star está en algún lugar entre Amazon y Cancun! Hey, Sr. Cartero!!!!

Último pero no menos importante... notición que estaba guardando para el final: Mi super talentosa amiga Tracy acaba de abrir su página FB con un lindo nombre, Whisked Away Cookies!! Sus GALLETAS son obras de arte!! Porfa vayan a darle un vistazo y MeGusta!

Nos vemos!

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girl bunny bag

Girl Bunny Bag ~ Bolsa para Niña de Conejito

On Monday I finished this little bag. This is one of my first designs and it makes me super happy!!! ~ El lunes terminé esta bolsita. Es uno de mis primeros diseños y me hace muy feliz!!!

Bunny Charm ~ Adorno de Conejito
I was inspired by this pretty pink fabric from Aunt Grace's 1930's reproduction fabric... I made the Bunny Charm using a Wilton COOKIE Cutter! ~ Me inspiré en esta linda tela rosa de Aunt Grace que reproduce telas de 1930... Hice el Adorno de Conejito usando un Cortador de GALLETAS de Wilton!

Lining ~ Forro
I used it for the lining, too! ~ La usé en el forro tambien!

Zipper end ~ Detalle de zipper/cremallera
And for the zipper end detail... ~ Y en el detalle del zipper/cremallera...

Bunny Bag ~ Bolsa de Conejito
I had a lot of trouble with zippers, until I bought The Essential Wristlet PDF Pattern from Erin. It is so clear you'll be making bags, pouches and zippy bags in no time! ~ Había batallado un poco con los zippers, hasta que compré el patrón  The Essential Wristlet PDF Pattern de Erin. Es tan claro que vas a hacer bolsas, estuches y cosas con zippers en un momento!

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dia de muertos

Today, November 2 we celebrate Day of the Dead in Mexico. It is a big celebration and a holiday! Yay for no school today!!! ~ Hoy, 2 de Noviembre, celebramos el Dia de Muertos en México. Es una celebración importante y un día festivo! Bravo porque hoy no hay clases!!!

Hundreds of years ago, civilizations living in Mexico celebrated the Dead and honored the deceased. For many cultures dead symbolizes rebirth. Our ancestors celebrated with dances, food and a very humorous tone. ~ Hace cientos de años, las civilizaciones que vivian en México, celebraban la Muerte y honraban a sus muertos. Para muchas culturas la muerte simboliza renacer. Nuestros ancestros celebraban con bailes, comida y con mucho humor.

This celebration has some differences depending on which the part of the country it is held. However it is always full of color and respect. ~ Dependiendo de en qué parte del país se lleve a cabo, esta celebración tiene algunas diferencias. Pero siempre es colorida y respetuosa.

Altar ~ Ofrenda
People visit cemeteries and sometimes spend the night there. They bring Cempasúchitl flowers (Marigolds), clean and decorate the graves. Altars are set at homes with offers to remember the beloved ones. They consist in photos of the deceased, candles, their favorite food, liquor, bread, and objects. ~ La gente visita los cementerios y algunas veces pasan ahi la noche. Llevan flores de Cempasúchitl, limpian y decoran las tumbas. Se montan Altares en las casas con ofrendas que recuerdan a los seres queridos. Consisten en fotos del difunto, velas, su comida, bebida, pan y objetos favoritos.

Calaveritas (Skulls) means many things ~ Calaveritas significa varias cosas

Sugar Calaveritas
Calaveritas (skulls) made of sugar or chocolate can be found at stores as a gift for children with their name written on it. ~ Calaveritas hechas de azúcar o chocolate que venden en tienda como regalo para los niños con su nombre escrito.


Calaveritas and Catrinas, elegant dressed skeletons, illustrations and figures are displayed everywhere. Some are made of papier maché or clay and can be very expensive ~ Calaveritas o Catrinas, son grabados o figuras de esqueletos vestidos de forma elegante. Algunos fabricados en papel maché o barro llegan a ser muy costosas.

Jose Guadalupe Posada's Catrina illustration ~ Grabado de Catrina de Jose Guadalupe Posada

Calaveras also refer to mocking epitaphs in poem form about habits and funny anecdotes of the living or dead. My cousin has begun a tradition of making a Calavera for our Grandma. They are funny and descriptive! ~ Calaveras tambien se refiere a las rimas y versos en forma de sátira que se hacen de hábitos y anécdotas de los vivos y muertos. Mi prima ha hecho una tradición el que todos hagamos una Calavera para nuestra Abuela. Son chistosas y descriptivas!

Mixquic Cemetery ~ Cementerio de Mixquic

Have you heard of Day of the Dead celebration? ~ Habías escuchado sobre la celebración del Día de Muertos?

Day of the Dead Bread ~ Pan de Muertos
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Important : The photos in this post are from different sources and link directly to it. ~ Importante: Las fotos de este post provienen de diferentes fuentes y se enlazan a ella directamente.
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