
being creative...

being creative...

Glad to see you are still around! Let's talk about creating, learning and trying new things...

I've always been a creative person. I love the process of learning and I've enjoyed sewing, cross-stitching. smocking, quilting, wood and ceramic painting, cooking, baking, COOKIE and cake decorating, party planing...

Different techniques essential to developing my creative outlet, help express what inspires me and that sometimes start as a hobby and can (and have!) become a business...

I  rediscovered what was once my chosen career, sewing. I am trying new things, learning, socializing, meeting people.

I hadn't sewn since I started decorating COOKIES in 2005!! With the speed this world turns nowadays, I can't begin to tell you how things have changed! I am a bit scared but thrilled of all that's new! The best thing I've discovered is that crafty people are the same everywhere... sharing, caring and open to new faces!

I invite you to continue walking with me and be part of all the fun and cool things that are coming... let's stay conected! xo


Qué gusto ver que sigues por aquí! Hablemos un poco de crear, aprender y probar cosas nuevas...

Siempre he sido una persona creativa. Disfruto el proceso de aprender y he disfrutado coser, hacer punto de cruz, bordar smock, acolchados, pintar cerámica y madera, cocinar, hornear, decorar pasteles y GALLETAS, planear fiestas...

Distintas técnicas que han sido esenciales para desarrollar mi creatividad, me han ayudado a expresar lo que me inspira y que algunas veces comienzan como un hobby y pueden (y han podido!) convertirse en un negocio...

Re-descubrí lo que en un momento fue la carrera que elegí, coser. Estoy intentando cosas nuevas, aprendiendo, socializando, conociendo gente.

No había cosido desde que empecé a decorar GALLETAS, en 2005!! A la velocidad que gira el mundo en nuestro tiempo, no puedo siquiera describir lo mucho que han cambiado las cosas! Estoy algo asustada pero emocionada de todo lo nuevo! Lo mejor que he descubierto es que la gente creativa es la misma en todos lados... compartida, cariñosa y abierta a caras nuevas!

Te invito a que sigas caminando conmigo y que seas parte de la diversión y las cosas increíbles que vienen... sigamos conectados!! xo

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  1. Awwww....I love it Bea. The photo is perfect. And this post is such an exciting announcement of the way God is directing your path. Love you tons! ♥♥♥

  2. Amiga tu eres una cajita de sorpresas mira todo lo que sabes hacer, te dejo un abrazo con mucho cariño, besitos.

  3. I love sewing too Bea. My husband bought me one of those fancy "Baby Lock" sewing machines about 3 years ago but I haven't made the time to use it. I still have the old singer sewing machine that was my mother's and my grandmother's before her. It just goes forward and backwards but I've made a lot of wonderful gifts on it. I look forward to see what you create and hopefully soon I will break out my new sewing machine and see what all that baby can do. haaaa.. Hugs, D.J. (aka: well kiss my frosting)

  4. Can't wait to see all your sewing creations! I have a crafting machine, maybe I'll have to turn it back into a sewing machine! :) Love the colors!

  5. Yo empecé a tejer y, poco después, llegaron las galletas :) Ahora me muevo entre madejas de lana, galletas, agujas de ganchillo e intentos de aprender a bordar, jeje.
    Un abrazote.

  6. Quanto tempo não te vemos por aqui!! Que ótimo que está de volta !! Estou anciosa para ver suas novas criações!

    So nice to see you again!!
    I'm excited to see your new creations!!


  7. I think it's wonderful that you are picking up sewing again Bea and I'm looking forward to you sharing your creations in fabric with us.

    I too love doing crafty things and I am a quilter but it's been almost four years since I finished my last quilt. Cookies have kinda taken over keeping my hands very busy :)

    Enjoy your venture back into the sewing world.


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