
let's smell the flowers {sunflowers} and a garden...

Let's Smell the Flowers! {Sunflowers}
Did you know Sunflowers were first domesticated in Mesoamerica, present day Mexico, by at least 2600BC? Then they were domesticated a second time in the middle of the Mississippi Valley, that's where my friend Lisa, The BearFoot Baker lives!!! ~ Sabías que los Girasoles fueron domesticados en un principio en Mesoamérica, hoy México, cerca de 2600a.C.? Y después fueron domesticados por segunda vez justo en la zona del Valle del Mississippi, que es donde mi amiga Lisa, The BearFoot Baker vive!!!

I love to think they follow the Sun, when apparently they only face East... myths are sometimes fun! ~ Me gusta pensar que siguen al Sol, aunque aparentemente solo miran al Este... los mitos son divertidos algunas veces!
Quilted Sunflower ~ Girasol Acolchado
Let's make the first Sunflower in this set, the Quilted Sunflower! ~ Vamos a hacer el primer Girasol de este juego, el Girasol Acolchado!

1. We need COOKIE made from a Round Scalloped COOKIE Cutter. Outline a center with Chocolate Brown ~ Necesitamos una GALLETA hecha con un  Cortador de GALLETA de Círculo Ondulado. Delínea el centro con Café Chocolate.

2. Outline 2 vertical lines and 3 horizontal lines inside the circle. Outline Golden Yellow petals all around the COOKIE ~ Delínea 2 líneas verticales y 3 líneas horizontales dentro del círculo. Delínea con Amarillo Dorado petalos alrededor de la GALLETA

3. Alternate filling the center to get dimensional look. Let dry until a thin crust forms ~ Intercala el rellenado del centro para que se vea dimensión. Deja secar hasta que se forme una capita dura

4. Fill remaining sections. Let dry. Work with the petals on  the same way: fill alternate sections, let dry, fill. Let dry ~ Rellena los espacios que quedan. Deja secar. Trabaja con pétalos de la misma forma: rellena secciones de forma intercalada, deja secar, rellena. Deja secar

5. Pipe Chocolate Brown dots around the center border, leaving a space between each dot. Let dry. Pipe Juniper Green dots between the Chocolate Brown dots. Let dry overnight or at least 8 hours ~ Agrega puntitos Café Chocolate alrededor del borde del centro, dejando un espacio entre cada puntito. Deja secar. Agrega puntitos Verde Junípero entre los Café Chocolate. Deja secar toda la noche o por lo menos 8 horas.

Let's Smell the Flowers ~ Vamos a Oler las Flores
This week I am joining an amazing group of ladies, orchestrated by Haniela, in a beautiful COOKIE Project. Nineteen, yes NINETEEN Flowers are growing in our pretty little COOKIE Garden... ~ Esta semana estoy colaborando con un increíble grupo de mujeres, dirigidas por Haniela, en un lindo Proyecto de GALLETA. Diecinueve, si DIECINUEVE Flores crecen en nuestro bello Jardincito de GALLETA...

I invite you to visit the links below to look at all the Flowers and visit these talented friends! ~ Te invito a que visites los enlaces que siguen para que veas todas las Flores y visites a estas talentosas amigas!

1. Black Eye Susan by Lisa, The Bearfoot Baker
2. Carnation by Meaghan, The Decorated Cookie
3. Cherry Tree Flower by Pam, Cookie Crazie
4. Daffodil by Georganne, LilaLoa 
5. Daisy by Stephanie, Ellies Bites
6. Dogwood by Marian, Sweetopia
7. Gerbera by Paula, Vanilla Bean Baker
8. Hyacinth by Amber, SweetAmbs
9. Hydrangea by Kim, The Partiologist
10. Iris by Cristin, Cristin's Cookies 
11. Lavender by Liz, Arty McGoo
12. Lily of The Valley by Hani, Haniela's
13. Lotus by Marlyn, Montreal Confections
14. Morning Glory by Glory, Glorious Treats
15. Orchid by Ali, Ali Bee's Bake Shop
16. Pansy Nicole, Life's A Batch
17. Poppy by Callye,  SweetSugarBelle
18. Sunflower by Bea, Cancun Cookies
19. Tulip by Lorriane, LorrainesCookies

Thank you Hani, for making this happen, and thanks for inviting me to collaborate! ~ Gracias Hani por haber hecho esto posible, y gracias por invitarme a colaborar!

More from this set:
Sunflower Garden Plaque ~ Placa de Jardín de Girasoles
Easy Sunflower ~ Girasol Fácil

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  1. LOVE these! So cheery and happy, I want to skip through a field of sunflowers now :).

  2. Sunflowers are my favorite flower and your cookie version is beautiful! I especially adore the cookie with the sky and flower field! I really want to try it myself.

  3. Hi Bea,

    Wonderful tutorial, I especially like your plaque cookie. Have a great week, Marlyn

  4. These are so beautiful Bea! I especially love the centerpiece cookie!! Beautiful work!!

  5. These are gorgeous! Love the centers. They are so cheery :)

  6. Oh Bea what gorgeous Sunflowers you have made! Love the collection!!!

  7. What a gorgeous collection of sunflowers! Love that center cookie plaque!

  8. I love your flowers Bea, and the history! Thanks for sharing!

  9. The best-est sunflower cookies ever. :) I ♥ your sunflower cookies.....but more importantly, I ♥ YOU! :)

  10. very cute Sweet Bea!! It's as bright and cheerful as you are!! :)

  11. Bea, these sunflowers are so cheery & happy. I love them, and I learned something along the way, too. I live in Minot, North Dakota, and I found out when we moved here that ND is the largest producer of sunflowers in the country - who knew?! We have huge, huge fields of these happy-faced flowers absolutely everywhere during the summer!

  12. Beautiful sunflowers! They are so happy! :)

  13. Ni para que te digo , si ya te dije todo en privado :D
    ERes buenísima para esto de las cookies, decoras de lo lindo Bea!!me encanta... a parte sabes combinar los colores muy bien!
    Me encantan!!

  14. I did not know that sunflowers were first domesticated in Mexico. I love sunflowers and love seeing fields of them grow on for acres and acres. Your sunflowers are adorable and your little sunflower plaque is such a sweet accompaniment.

  15. I love sunflowers! I buy them all the time to put in vases in my office and my kitchen! They are beautiful and so are your cookies! I love the way you quilted the centers and the brown and juniper dots around the center is the perfect touch! I love them!!!!

  16. Eee, these are sooo pretty! I love the blue 'sunflower' cookie too! Beautiful job, Bea!

  17. Sunflowers always make me happy and they make me smile. Smiling Sunflowers!
    I love the textures and dotted boarder, and your plaque cookies is gorgeous too. Love how blue color breaks it up a little making them sparkle even more.
    Thank you for making these Bea.

  18. Sabes una cosa Bea, necesito la paciencia de Job para poder hacer estas bellezas...eso o practicar y practicar hasta que finalmente pueda tener un resultado aceptable.
    Y sabes qué, me encanta pensar que el girasol sigue al sol...!!! Es como seguir pensando que la luna es que queso...porque es de queso...!!!

  19. Oh Bea, qué maravilla!
    Adoro las galletas de flores y estos girasoles tuyos son una preciosidad.

  20. Loving the sunflower cookies. The one in the middle is so bright and cheerful too. Sunflowers always make me smile, for some reason and remind me of those wonderful warm sunny days,

    Sweet 2 Eat Baking.

  21. first of all I adore how you capitalize COOKIE! Love it! Secondly, sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers. You did a beautiful job capturing these! I love the dimension and the colors. The plaque COOKIE is soooooo sweet! LOVe it!

  22. Siii! La Luna es de queso! Mi esposo les contaba eso a los niños... y que un día un ratón tragón se comio la Luna y por eso no la veían... jaja!

  23. I'm happy you liked them... and THANK YOU for inviting me to your party!

  24. Glad you liked it!

  25. Thanks Glory! I loved your Morning Glories and accents!

  26. Wouldn't it be fun??? I'll skip behind you!

  27. Thank you, Marlyn... have a great week you, too!

  28. Please let me know if you try it!

  29. Thanks Alison! You are soooo sweet!

  30. Thank you for sharing that! I'd love to see those fields...

  31. I have never seen a Sunflower field... I want to see one!

  32. Thank you, Marian!

  33. Oh Bea your sunflowers are so incredibly gorgeous! I love the quilted look and the dimension your cookies have. I love the green and brown dots around the center edge. I always just do brown dots because I worry that the colors will bleed if I put them too close together. I will have to try green and brown dots as they just pop with fun! Beautiful job and thanks so much for sharing your beautiful quilted sunflower!

  34. Thank you! Glad you liked the dots

  35. Great tutorial....thanks~


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