
i yam what i yam...

Popeye the Sailor's diet consists mainly on spinach... spinach (and many fruits, veggies and legumes) are not children favorites... so la Nena, my grandmother, (or maybe her mother) came up with the idea of these Open Spinach Sandwiches, really simple to make:

Open Spinach Sandwiches

My children love them!
Open Spinach Sandwiches


  1. yumm, sounds delicious!
    And, by the way, I received a mystery package yesterday!!
    D and I couldn't figure out what it was, since we weren't expecting anything from UPS!
    As soon as I opened it I knew it was from you!
    You are too generous, thank you soo sooo much.
    I used the 00 right away to write on my table!
    Can't wait to use them on actual cookies. I think they'll be perfect for Lisa G's eyes and writing on my Harvard Sq trains.
    Now I need to send you something! Is UPS a good way??
    And, you sneaky pete, how did you get my shipping address??

  2. I'm so glad you've used one of the tips! And I'm happy to know you already find some COOKIES where you would use them... I wanted to send you something to show you I appreciate all your help but didn't know what... after your last e-mail I got a "clue" LOL... and your shipping address... hmm... I'll e-mail that answer...

  3. Bea, I used the tips a lot on Monday. I'm finding them extremely useful in piping the eyes on my bugs (ladybug, bee, dragonfly). AND, I used them to write on the birthday cake cookies.
    I can't thank you enough, that was so thoughtful and generous, you really shouldn't have!!

  4. OH and wanted to tell you that you got 29 clicks (views) that came from ADE blog yesterday and 9 so far today!! Hopefully, my readers are letting you know they stopped by!

  5. I'm so glad you've been using them! Some ladies asked where I purchased them, so I posted the link for them to see... and while doing so I found out they have "Calligraphy Tips" so I'll buy some and tell you how they work... Have a nice day, Laura!

  6. I don't know what it is that you comment about the clicks, Laura :?

  7. Deliciosos... simplemente deliciosos... a ver cuando nos invitas a echarnos unos...



  8. Claro que si! A la proxima te invito :)

  9. I want to come cook real good and cookies with you!


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