

On February, COOKIES I made will be in the front cover of CANCUNISSIMO , a local magazine...

I was flattered and grateful when I was invited to do this project... I had so many ideas, and presented clipart and COOKIES I've done in the past. I was asked to make these, which aren't my designs, but Jeniffer's from Cake Central.

I thank God for this great opportunity, as many people will get to see what I do and know a little about me from the interview inside... I hope everyone in Cancun is tempted by those COOKIES!

I want to thank Vicente, a dear friend for considering my COOKIES... this is a dream come true, Vicente!! I know you are very professional and being in the front cover of your magazine, besides a very long friendship, has to do with the fact that you like my work... I love you and your family and know you love us all as well...
thank you, Esteban, for coming to my home and through a nice chat discovering my passion to many who don't know me... I had a great time at the photo shooting session and I have yet to read the interview!...

and THANK YOU!... yes YOU who have shared your skills with me through courses, workshops, books, classes, tutos, how tos, photos and priceless cooperation... your help is invaluable...

I'll post about the interview as soon as I receive the magazine and read it...


  1. Congratulations! They look beautiful, I just love Valentine's Day cookies!

  2. hola maa...esta muy padre tu blog
    y tus galletas mucho mas me encantan,espero que un dia se aga
    muy famoso haha bueno te quiero mucho mami bye

  3. Thank you Laura! I love them, too!

  4. Gracias por tus buenos deseos, Paulita! Yo sé que te encantan mis GALLETAS, sobre todo si están suaves y sin decorar... y yo te quiero mucho, tambien!!!

  5. Gracias Cirri por todo el apoyo que me has dado siempre!

  6. Hi Bea,

    I have already read the interview and that's GREAT !!!, your cookies look WONDERFUL and I guess those are so yummy :)
    Congratulations an keep up the good work !

    My best wishes :)

  7. Thank you, Pez! I really like their taste... bet you, too ;)

  8. Wow!! Congratulations Bea!! How fantastic for you. Thanks for always being such an inspiration and sharing that with us. Lisa E

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog, Lisa! I learn so much from all of you at at YA :)

  10. Congratulation!!!! They are absolutely beautiful.
    Moreen from YA

  11. This is absolutely fantastic, congratulations!!!

  12. Thank you, ladies! I appreciate your comments :)

  13. That is so cool! Your cookies are beautiful! I just found you through A Dozen Eggs. :)

  14. Thank you, Bridget! Well, I've found you already, and I'm a complete fan of your COOKIES and more!!! Have a nice week :)

  15. Hi Bea,

    Congratulations on the magazine cover. How exciting!

    I too decorate cookies for the glory of God and I was thrilled to find your site....a fellow believer using cookies as a ministry. :-) May God continue to richly bless you as you allow Him to use you....even through cookies.



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